Monday, April 9, 2007

Snow at Easter? Jesus Christ!

The poor tender shoots of grass appear traumatized by the snow on this Holy Weekend. Note that I consider the Easter Weekend holy because of the extra day off work, not because of what was written in an oft-translated book by itinerant goat-herders a few millenia ago. Anyway, Easter is just another pagan holiday co-opted by the newest kid of the theological block, but somehow I like the idea of celebrating Eostre, goddess of the dawn, better. I appreciate dawn everyday, but what has the guy nailed to the tree ever done for me? I do see one problem celebrating Eostre - that would require consorting with stinky hippie types.

As for the weather, Spring in Southern Ontario is notoriously fickle, but early April is usually at least in the teens and snow-free. Fortunately I haven't heard any blowhards using this snow and cold as "proof" against climate change, but those climate change skeptics generally never fail to meet my low expectations of them.

There now, I've probably managed to offend Christians, pagans, and global warming skeptics in my first post. This blog thing sure seems like fun!

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